Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Touch'd on Tuesday 1

Three months ago I was referred by a friend to start networking online. I took a plunge into the online world, not realizing it was a whole other world. It was so exciting yet so scary because this world had a new set of rules. When meeting someone, you can't rely on your smile and handshake to impress them. In this world you're judged by the words you type. No tones in your voice or body language is going to help you.

I began speaking with some women and men who already had blogs, websites, groups, radio shows, and had this online venture down to a Tee. Not wanting to sound ignorant I was very reluctant to ask questions. In the real world I am "question queen", I want to know it all! These ladies and gents were talking about things that sounded like another language to me. I couldn't imagine ever getting through this.

I finally got up enough nerve to ask a question, and to my surprise I received more responses than I knew what to do with. There were people who seemed to like me for what I wrote and were truly interested in what I was doing. They took me under their wing, they spent time explaining terms and showed me how to be successful.

Before entering the online world, I heard about "mommy bloggers". The buzz "in the real world" was these women were home with their children and had nothing better to do than play on the computer. Let me tell you, this is so far from the truth... it's a joke. These woman are so intelligent and amazing, they can work circles around your CEOs of top corporations. Their blogs/websites are successful businesses. I don't know any CEO who can run a profitable company by himself, take care of the children at the same time, and oh yeah don't forget about cleaning and cooking. These women are powerhouses. They stick by one another and help each other to overcome any obstacles. They've got each others' backs... They are united!

I am a very sentimental person and one reason I picked Touch'd as the name of my business is because I love to help people and I feel we touch people's lives everyday, sometimes not knowing it. I want to recognize the incredible women and men who have "Touch'd" my life and helped me to get this far. I strongly recommend to go to each of their links and get to know these Incredible women and men.

I'd like to present the "You have Touch'd a life" award to the following women and men (in no order). You have all been an influence in my success of Life! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! May be a little wordy but trust me, you have to read about these peeps!

Christy aka ShaketheSalt owner Shake The Salt
Christy was the first person on Twitter to talk to me and to give me guidance, we exchanged email addy's and have been friends ever since! Without her, I would have left and never come back!

Carissa Rogers aka Carissa_MomIF co-founder of Mom It Forward
This is the lady who I can contact at 1:00 am for help and she will stay up until 2 or even 3 am to make sure I have completed what needed to be done. She has also become one of my best Ofriends. ofriends=online friend. We talk practically everyday. Carissa has coached me along to make sure I'm successful! She was also one of my roomies at Blissdom09! Join the Party every Tuesday night at 6 pst, 9est at twitter.com

Jyl aka Jyl_MomIF co-founder of Mom It Forward
I met Jyl through the GNO (Girl's Night Out) parties on twitter. She was the first one to really ask me exactly what it was I did before Twitter and Touch'd. She boosted my confidence by telling me she wanted me a part of GNO. Jyl grabs a hold of those around her and pulls them up with her. She was roomie #2 at Blissdom09. I know she's a true friend, as she didn't kick my ass out of our room when I snored.

Sugar Jones aka SugarJones radio personality on Classy Closet and catch her in the raw at SugarJones.TV
Sugar is my long lost soul sista. We met on twitter and never looked back. I feel like I've known her my whole life. She knew I was kinda shy (go figure), and was the first to help me overcome my fear of speaking on the radio and also was the first one to actually interview me. I was shakin in my heels. We talk everyday and she truly wants to help people succeed. Without her I would not be here. She Rocks!!

Michael Guerin aka MichaelGuerin owner of Automated Merchant Processing and co-owner of
Best Web Presence
I met Michael a couple years ago, he was referred to me when I needed to start accepting credit cards for my business. At the time I was in a bad situation with my former web guy. Michael lended a guiding hand and helped me step by step with my website...FOR FREE, putting aside the credit card plans. "Let's fix this first, before we go forward", Michael said. We got everything straightened out and Michael then set Touch'd up to accept credit cards (yay!) Once this was done I decided I NEEDED to hire this man for my website. He is working very hard and we will see a completed Touchd.net very soon. Michael has become one of those friends you vent to! He also MADE ME join Twitter! So thanks to him I have made lots of new friends!!!

Cookie Ferrucci aka Cferrucci owner of Can you feel it, my heart beating through my chest
I have known Cookie her whole life. She brought me joy every day from the minute I brought her home. She is my life and my world. She is also my Biggest Fan! From day one, when I started Touch'd, I was able to ask for her opinions, editting skills, hugs on bad days, excitement on great days, and yes, she is also my product tester. This little ball of fire has shown me how to stick with my beliefs and not worry about what others think. She was/is my role model of staying True to yourself- no matter what! She is one of the strongest women I know. Whatever path she takes, she will leave a trail for others to follow. I am so proud that she is my daughter. I love you hunny!!!

Erin Pyle aka erinjeany owner of From Son Up To Son Down
Erin has dropped everything to help me with techie stuff. She had to break it down in a way that I would understand and wrote so much that she was able to use it as a post...lol. She hates to talk on the phone yet she broke that rule for me, because I need to be walked through certain things. She offered continued help which normally she gets paid big money for. Yes, I feel special! It's rare if I go a couple days without talking to Erin. She is a friend I cherrish! Without her I wouldn't be where I am today!

Chris Perrin aka Blogwelldone owner of Blog Well Done and now intoducing Start being Productive
Where do I start with Chris. The first time I referred to him I said, "she". He still gave me a chance. We talk every night til 2-3 in the morning. He knows when I'm getting tired, because the stupidity factor comes into play. This is usually when he says, "Night". Chris and I started talking about recipes, then I found out he too had technie knowledge.....you guessed...he now has questions coming at him like bullets. Chris is now "a cousin", and he'll be creating recipes for Touch'd! This is going to be so cool. He is also helping me be more productive. (check out his new site). He is one of my closest friends...I can even say fart to him!

Phylis aka Babyswags owner of Baby Swags
Phylis and I met on twitter, there was a situation that I needed to speak with her about so we exchanged emails. That led to exchanging phone numbers. The first time we talked on the phone it must have been for an hour. We could have probably talked for another 8 hours. We shared ideas and dreams and came up with at least 10 businesses we wanted to partner up on. We did, however, start the Wii Twit Fit club. We can go without talking for weeks and start again right where we left off. Phylis is my celebrity friend..lol. She is always thinking of others and I'm glad she's one of my best Ofriends.

There are so many others who deserve this award, but I don't want people to not read about them because there's too much. I decided to start a series "Touch'd on Tuesday". If you feel you should be here- you probably will be. I did not pick anyone in any order. Just as you love all your children the same...you love your friends the same too. Those who know me should have realized I only had one of my daughters listed. As I said I started a series.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mom It Forward Has Another Successful #GNO Twitter Party With Guest Speaker @JessicaKnows

What Is #GNO?

#GNO is a Tuesday twitter party, started in September 2008, that is part of the Mom It Forward community (http://momitforward.com)—an organization of women and moms dedicated to strengthening families and communities by first strengthening moms. Mom It Forward empowers women to achieve success through service, strength and socializing. By strengthening families and communities Mom It Forward is changing the world one mom at a time.

You can learn more about Mom It Forward and #gno here:

· Mom It Forward blog: http://momitforward.com

· Mom It Forward Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=45872861859

· Mom It Forward Newsletter: http://mommygossip-gno.blogspot.com/2009/01/extra-extra-read-all-about-it.html

How Can You Join This Top-Trending Twitter Party?

Not on Twitter yet? First, go to http://twitter.com and sign up! Then, stop by http://momitforward.com to learn more about the party, who the guest tweet will be, and to RSVP and follow other #gno gals. #GNO is a great place to pick up new followers that have a lot in common with you.

How Can You Follow Along?

Go to http://tweetgrid.com on Tuesday nights between 6 and 10 p.m. Pacific (9 p.m. and 1 a.m. Eastern). Pick a grid 1X3 and in the search columns, type in:

· The guest tweet’s name. (For example, this week’s guest tweet was @JessicaKnows)

· #GNO

· @YourTwitterID

This allows you to see the tweets from the guest, everyone that is participating in #gno, and your own including those who may be tweeting to you.

You can also go to www.summize.com search by #(hashtag).

What Were the Highlights From This Week’s #GNO?

Here are a few of the tweets from @JessicaKnows http://jessicaknows.com. She joined #gno to talk about social media marketing tips and tools.

@ Jessicaknows

For those of you who don't know me, my site is http://jessicaknows.com. I am Chief Mom Officer for www.wishpot.com, and I recently launched www.MomForce.com in partnership with www.care.com - virtual marketing jobs for moms!

We'll be working with small biz, startups and large corps to hire moms virtually thru www.MomForce.com this year.

I also just wrote an ebook about getting sponsors for conferences http://jessicaknows.com

The key word is SOCIAL...use the "have a friend, be a friend" mantra in business and you can't go wrong.

How to grow my blog traffic

To grow blog traffic the first thing is to be consistent, the second is to open up your blog for conversation. Using social media to build traffic.

Pick 3 social media tools & be consistent, use it everyday.

If you try to use too many tools to build brand-your message will get lost in the shuffle.

Be where people know they can find you.


How to get consumers.

I'd say Facebook, there are a lot of people on FB that aren't all about SM (social media)

I used to only add personal friends to Facebook but now I add people if I know them from Twitter or if they are friends of friends.

Are you my friend on Facebook yet? http://profile.to/jessicaknows

I have a Wishpot page on FB and some groups - including one for MomForce. I think they're a good idea

Blogs and Marketing

Do we market our business or blog first?

Make your blog the face behind the business...I don't really differentiate

The 3 I use most? Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn plus www.stumbleupon.com for bookmarking.

Do I leave personal pictures out?

I don't leave out pictures of my son but then again, he's in my blog posts sometimes too. I think it's a personal choice

Do you think reviews should be kept separately from other post? Maybe a separate page?

No, I don't think they should be on a separate page at all re: reviews but then again, no wrong or right way.

What about give-aways on a blog, how much do they help build traffic, I just announced my first one yesterday?

They help build awesome traffic if done creatively, I did a whole post about how to set up a giveaway on my blog. here's the link to the blog post about doing a giveaway that helps build traffic


How do I get advertisers?

You have to build traffic. I'm going to start offering ways

to build traffic for those that sign up for my info series starting with 12seconds.tv series www.rockyourblog.com, which was just launched today.

PR People

If the product people come after you've written a review, do they want a certain traffic?

If pr people come after you review, they want relevant convo, not traffic - go for it!

How can I connect with PR people?

Write about the products you are passionate about already and the PR people will come. I promise.


I've signed up for http://www.seobook.com/join/ to ramp up my game in that area.

I also highly recommend using the SEO Plug-in for Wordpress and putting common search terms for every post in.


I used LinkedIn to connect with lots of PR people, Mom Owned biz to partner/work with, and partnerships for momforce/wishpot.


I establish relationships by learning about other people's goals & what they're all about & then introduce them to each other.

A lot of times, I don't directly benefit from those intros but I find that you get what you give in networking

Dog and Pony Show

I think dog & pony show works online

Buzz Butter

I love the idea behind Project Wonderful but it's not lucrative, I want to support mom-owned biz so go to http://jessicaknows.com and click on the “Buzz Butter” tab.

How Can I Stay Up to Date With Mom It Forward and #GNO?

· Join Mom It Forward and sign up for the newsletter - http://momitforward.com

· Join Mom It Forward on Facebook- http://ad.vu/x7hc

· RSVP to the next Mom It Forward GNO Party- http://momitforward.com

Please leave comments with your TwitterID and your Blog!

Feel sexy, Feel beautiful, Get Touch'd

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Natural Relief for Colds

You get that tickle in your throat, feel a little sluggish, and your head starts to get stuffed. This is when you tell yourself, "I can't get sick! No way will I get sick, I have too much to do!" You try to will it away, drink a gallon of OJ, take your vitamins, and Lysol the house. Two days later, in spite of all your efforts, it gets you. Let out Tub Teas help soothe your symptoms. They're great for children too.
Cold Remedy
Our tub tea bags are lovingly filled with organic herbs to help alleviate cold symptoms naturally. Natural botanicals that offer therapeutic relief for the body, mind, and soul. Special mixtures of herbs can help soften dry skin, calm sore muscles, clear congestion, and purify the body of toxins.

Organic Lavender
After a rough workout or hard day on the job steep one of our hand filled organic Lavender Tub Tea Bags in a hot bath for 2-3 minutes. Let the lavender’s aroma fill the room and soothe your mind, body and soul.

3 tea bags beautifully packaged in an organza bag $12
To order go to http://Touchd.Net

Feel sexy, Feel beautiful, Get Touch'd!