What Is #GNO?
#GNO is a Tuesday twitter party, started in September 2008, that is part of the Mom It Forward community (http://momitforward.com)—an organization of women and moms dedicated to strengthening families and communities by first strengthening moms. Mom It Forward empowers women to achieve success through service, strength and socializing. By strengthening families and communities Mom It Forward is changing the world one mom at a time.
You can learn more about Mom It Forward and #gno here:
· Mom It Forward blog: http://momitforward.com
· Mom It Forward Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=45872861859
· Mom It Forward Newsletter: http://mommygossip-gno.blogspot.com/2009/01/extra-extra-read-all-about-it.html
How Can You Join This Top-Trending Twitter Party?
Not on Twitter yet? First, go to http://twitter.com and sign up! Then, stop by http://momitforward.com to learn more about the party, who the guest tweet will be, and to RSVP and follow other #gno gals. #GNO is a great place to pick up new followers that have a lot in common with you.
How Can You Follow Along?
Go to http://tweetgrid.com on Tuesday nights between 6 and 10 p.m. Pacific (
· The guest tweet’s name. (For example, this week’s guest tweet was @JessicaKnows)
· #GNO
· @YourTwitterID
This allows you to see the tweets from the guest, everyone that is participating in #gno, and your own including those who may be tweeting to you.
You can also go to www.summize.com search by #(hashtag).
What Were the Highlights From This Week’s #GNO?
Here are a few of the tweets from @JessicaKnows http://jessicaknows.com. She joined #gno to talk about social media marketing tips and tools.
@ Jessicaknows
For those of you who don't know me, my site is http://jessicaknows.com. I am Chief Mom Officer for www.wishpot.com, and I recently launched www.MomForce.com in partnership with www.care.com - virtual marketing jobs for moms!
We'll be working with small biz, startups and large corps to hire moms virtually thru www.MomForce.com this year.
I also just wrote an ebook about getting sponsors for conferences http://jessicaknows.com
The key word is SOCIAL...use the "have a friend, be a friend" mantra in business and you can't go wrong.
How to grow my blog traffic
To grow blog traffic the first thing is to be consistent, the second is to open up your blog for conversation. Using social media to build traffic.
Pick 3 social media tools & be consistent, use it everyday.
If you try to use too many tools to build brand-your message will get lost in the shuffle.
Be where people know they can find you.
How to get consumers.
I'd say Facebook, there are a lot of people on FB that aren't all about SM (social media)
I used to only add personal friends to Facebook but now I add people if I know them from Twitter or if they are friends of friends.
Are you my friend on Facebook yet? http://profile.to/jessicaknows
I have a Wishpot page on FB and some groups - including one for MomForce. I think they're a good idea
Blogs and Marketing
Do we market our business or blog first?
Make your blog the face behind the business...I don't really differentiate
The 3 I use most? Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn plus www.stumbleupon.com for bookmarking.
Do I leave personal pictures out?
I don't leave out pictures of my son but then again, he's in my blog posts sometimes too. I think it's a personal choice
Do you think reviews should be kept separately from other post? Maybe a separate page?
No, I don't think they should be on a separate page at all re: reviews but then again, no wrong or right way.
What about give-aways on a blog, how much do they help build traffic, I just announced my first one yesterday?
They help build awesome traffic if done creatively, I did a whole post about how to set up a giveaway on my blog. here's the link to the blog post about doing a giveaway that helps build traffic
How do I get advertisers?
You have to build traffic. I'm going to start offering ways
to build traffic for those that sign up for my info series starting with 12seconds.tv series www.rockyourblog.com, which was just launched today.
PR People
If the product people come after you've written a review, do they want a certain traffic?
If pr people come after you review, they want relevant convo, not traffic - go for it!
How can I connect with PR people?
Write about the products you are passionate about already and the PR people will come. I promise.
I've signed up for http://www.seobook.com/join/ to ramp up my game in that area.
I also highly recommend using the SEO Plug-in for Wordpress and putting common search terms for every post in.
I used LinkedIn to connect with lots of PR people, Mom Owned biz to partner/work with, and partnerships for momforce/wishpot.
I establish relationships by learning about other people's goals & what they're all about & then introduce them to each other.
A lot of times, I don't directly benefit from those intros but I find that you get what you give in networking
Dog and Pony Show
I think dog & pony show works online
Buzz Butter
I love the idea behind Project Wonderful but it's not lucrative, I want to support mom-owned biz so go to http://jessicaknows.com and click on the “Buzz Butter” tab.
How Can I Stay Up to Date With Mom It Forward and #GNO?
· Join Mom It Forward and sign up for the newsletter - http://momitforward.com
· Join Mom It Forward on Facebook- http://ad.vu/x7hc
· RSVP to the next Mom It Forward GNO Party- http://momitforward.com
Please leave comments with your TwitterID and your Blog!
Feel sexy, Feel beautiful, Get Touch'd
What a party!!!! Can't wait til next Tuesday!
I went to a GNO Twitter Party a few weeks ago--my son somehow likes to keep me busy during that time frame--hopefully I'll be able to make it next week!
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